Move More Fitness

May 6, 20203 min

#MoveinMay Despite Social Distancing

Don’t let Covid-19 get you down. Join the #MoveinMay MOVEment while staying healthy and safe.

Every year the U.S. President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition encourages Americans to #MoveinMay in celebration of National Physical Fitness & Sports Month!

Of course things have been a little different this last year for most as we abide by social distancing guidelines and other restrictions due to Covid-19. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still #MoveinMay!

Here are some ways to up your #MoveinMay game despite Covid-19.

1. Move Your Way

A new activity campaign from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services called Move Your Way is designed to encourage you to find how YOU love to move! Something we at Move More Fitness 100% want to promote!

The site has some great tools, fact sheets, and videos to get you started moving or encourage you to keep moving! One of those tools is an activity planner to help you plan out your activities and be consistent. Check it out and make a plan that’s right for you.

2. Join Virtual Exercise Classes

There are so many virtual classes available for free or nearly free right now. Check out our very own Virtual Classes page to jump into one of our classes for a small donation. Also check out the resource list at the end of this article to find even more ideas and options for exercise to do right at home.

3. Get Outside!

Social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t go outside. Many reports are showing that Vitamin D is vital to helping fight this virus. And sunshine, fresh air and exercise are always good for your immune system.

So make a plan to safely get outside every day. That might just mean walking out in your backyard, or find some open trails near you that allow you to stay safe while still getting a good walk. Even just walking back and forth on the sidewalk in front of your apartment building for 10 minutes is better than nothing!

4. Play!

Seriously, if you have kids (or even pets) get on the floor and play with them! Wrestle, play ball, play hopscotch, draw chalk on the sidewalk, garden together, make an obstacle course, help them climb a tree or practice their favorite sport skills.

They will love it, it will create great memories, and you may be surprised how quickly you can break a sweat.

5. Utilize Free Resources

The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion published a question and answer post last year about how to stay active during Covid-19 social distancing. Many of their recommendations still apply.

They also provided a great list of resources for staying active at home, posted below.

Stay Active Resources for All Ages:

Stay Active Resources for Youth:

So join us for #MoveinMay and let’s stay healthy and keep MOVING!
